What is DRT
DRT (Dena Recycling Technology) is a High-Speed Composting (Fermentation & Drying) System which can convert a batch of organic matter or waste into value-added products such as fertilizer/compost or animal feed within 2-24 hour. The base technology of DRT is to reproduce the natural circulation system in the machine for short time operation. The material such as organic waste, food processing waste and sludge are thrown into the reactor and is vacuumed to maintain a certain boiling point. Thus an ideal condition for the high-speed composting is provided and the material is dehydrated in a short time.

- Input the organic waste & local bio organisms
- Control the boiling point under low air pressure condition
- Control a high-speed fermentation state
- Vacuum dry the decomposed materials
Characteristic of DRT
- No drain
- No Odor
- No CO2 emission
- Compact style
- Low energy consumption, Low cost
- Hi speed operation (2-5hours)
- Portable for easy mobility
- Easy to install on site
- Compact design, requires less space
- Lower running cost
- Less wear and tear as there are less number of moving parts
- Plug and play system, fully automated with ‘one push control’
- Required only 1 person for the handling of complete operation
- Mixed waste input can be fed into the chamber, separation is not required
- Easy maintenance
- Huge reduction in processing time. Our system can complete the process between 2-6 hours per batch
- There is no odour
- There is no waste water discharge
- No CO2 emissions
- 100% green solution
- No drain
- Finished product is bacteria free
- Machine will separate the organic and inorganic waste after processing is completed
- It can handle and process almost all types of organic waste.